1. |
Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology, translated by R. Aldington and D. Ames: Hamlyn Publishing Group Ltd., New York, 1976. |
2. |
Hawaiian Folk Tales: A Collection of Native Legends, by Thomas G. Thrum: AMS Printing Inc., New York, 1907. |
3. |
Oceanic Mythology, by Roslyn Poignant: Paul Hamlyn Ltd., London, 1967. |
4. |
Australian Legendary Tales, collected by K. Langloh Parker: Angus and Robertson, Brighton, 1963. |
5. |
Aboriginal Myths and Legends, selected by Roland Robinson: Hamlyn Pub. Group Ltd., London, 1969. |
6. |
Dreamtime: Australian Aboriginal Myths, text by Charles Mountford: Rigby Ltd., Adelaide, 1965. |
7. |
Nomads and Empire Builders: Native Peoples and Cultures of South America, by Carleton Beals: Citadel, Secaucus, New Jersey, 1965. |
8. |
The Indian Background of Colonial Yucatan, by R. L. Roys: Gordon Press, New York, 1976. |
9. |
Kiowa Tales, by Elsie W. Parsons: The American Folklore Society, vol. XXII, New York, 1929. |
10. |
Myths and Tales of the Jicarilla Apache, by Morris Edward Opler: The American Folklore Society, G. E. Stechert and Co., New York, 1938. |
11. |
The Book of the Navajo, by Raymond Friday Locke: Mankind Pub. Co., Los Angeles, Calif., 1976. |
12. |
Indian Mythology, by Veronica Ions: Paul Hamlyn Ltd., London, 1967. |
13. |
African Mythology, by Geoffrey Parrinder: Paul Hamlyn Ltd., London, 1967. |
14. |
South American Mythology, by Harold Osborne: Paul Hamlyn Ltd., London, 1968. |
15. |
Chinese Mythology, by Anthony Christie: Paul Hamlyn Ltd., London, 1968. |
16. |
Japanese Mythology, by Juliet Piggott: Paul Hamlyn Ltd., London, 1969. |
17. |
Norse mythology: lists provided by Kaare Aksnes. |
18. |
List compiled by V. G. Teifel. |
19. |
The Greek Myths (2 vols.), by Robert Graves: Penguin Books Ltd., Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England, 1974. |
20. |
American Men and Women of Science: R.R. Bowker, New York, 1982, 1989, 1994. |
21. |
Handbook of Greek Mythology, by H. J. Rose: E. P. Dutton and Co., Inc., New York, 1959. |
22. |
Gilgamesh: A Verse Narrative, by Herbert Mason: Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, Mass., 1971. |
23. |
The Lost Gods of England, by Brian Branston: Thames and Hudson Ltd., London, 1957. |
24. |
Orisha: The Gods of Yorubaland, by Judith Gleason: Atheneum, New York, 1971. |
25. |
Ainu Creed and Cult, by Neil Gordon Munro: Columbia University Press, New York, 1963. |
26. |
North American Indian Mythology, by Cottie Burland: Paul Hamlyn Pub. Group Ltd., London, 1968. |
27. |
The Mythology of All Races (13 vols.), edited by John Arnott MacCulloch and George Foot Moore: Cooper Square Publishers, Inc., New York, 1964. |
28. |
The Odyssey, by Homer, translated by W. H. D. Rouse: Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd., Edinburgh, 1934. or 28b. The Odyssey of Homer, translated by Herbert Bates: Harper Brothers, New York, 1929 |
29. |
Song of Roland, translated by Dorothy L. Sayers: Penguin Books Ltd., Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England, 1967. |
30. |
Comparative Cultures: Human Relations Area File Inc., New Haven, Conn. |
31. |
Gods, Heroes, and Men of Ancient Greece, translated by W. H. D. Rouse: The New American Library of World Literature, Inc., New York, 1957. |
32. |
Myths of the Greeks and Romans, by Michael Grant: World Publishing Company, New York, 1962. |
33. |
Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heros, by Edith Hamilton: Little, Brown and Company, Boston, Mass., 1942. |
34. |
African Myths and Tales, edited by Susan Feldmann: Dell Publishing Co., Inc., New York, 1970. |
35. |
Gods and Myths of Northern Europe, by H. R. Ellis Davidson: Penguin Books Ltd., Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England, 1974. |
36. |
National Geographic Atlas of the World: National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C., 1970 (and other editions). |
37. |
Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur, by Keith Baines: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., New York, 1962. |
38. |
Njal's Saga, by Magnus Magnusson and Hermann Paulsson: Penguin Books Ltd., Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England, 1975. |
39. |
The Age of Fable, by Thomas Bulfinch: The Heritage Press, New York, 1942. |
40. |
Primal Myths: Creating the World, by Barbara C. Sproul: Harper and Row, New York, 1979. |
41. |
The Iliad of Homer, translated by Benjamin Smith and Walter Miller: MacMillan and Co., New York, 1944. |
42. |
Beowulf, translated by Burton Raffel: The New American Library of World Literature, Inc., New York, 1963. |
43. |
Dictionary of Classical Mythology, by J. E. Zimmerman: Harper and Row, New York, 1971. |
44. |
The Aeneid of Virgil, translated by Allen Mandelbaum: Bantam Books, Inc., New York, 1971. |
45. |
Tales of Yoruba Gods and Heroes, by Harold Courlander: Crown Publishers, Inc., New York, 1973. |
46. |
List of famous women provided by the National Organization for Women. |
47. |
Giants, by David Larkin and Sarah Teale: Harry Abrams, Inc., New York, 1979. |
48. |
Letter from G. H. Pettengill to Venus Task Group, April 27, 1977. |
49. |
Letter from M. Ya. Marov to G. H. Pettengill, September 8, 1977. |
50. |
List compiled by N. P. Erpylev: includes names from various Russian legends. |
51. |
Letter from M. Ya. Marov to G. H. Pettengill, January 3, 1981. |
52. |
Alf Laylah Wa Laylah, The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, by Richard F. Burton: Larsen-Harper, Colo. Press, Denver, Colo., 1900. |
53. |
Myths and Folklore of the Temiskaming Algonquin, and Timagami Ojibwa, by F. G. Speck: Canada Department of Mines Memoir 71, Ottawa, 1915. |
54. |
The New Century Handbook of Classical Geography, edited by Catherine B. Avery: Meredith Corp., New York, 1972 (and other editions). |
55. |
Webster's New Geographical Dictionary: G. and C. Merriam Co., Springfield, Mass., 1972, 1977. |
56. |
Everymans Classical Atlas, by J. Oliver Thomson: J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd., London, 1963. |
57. |
Map of albedo features of Mars, (plates 2-5), in La Planéte Mars, by E.M. Antoniadi: Librairie Scientifique, Hermann et Cie., Paris, 1930. |
58. |
Letter from M. Ya. Marov to Harold Masursky, March 19, 1979. |
59. |
The New Encyclopaedia Britannica: Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc., Chicago, 1974, 1993. |
60. |
Proceedings of the General Assembly in Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, vol. XB, 1958, through XXVB, 2003. |
61. |
List of radar scientists provided by G. H. Pettengill. |
62. |
List of names for Mars in various languages provided by Carl Sagan. |
63. |
List supplied by N. P. Erpylev. |
64. |
Large Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd ed., 30 volumes: Sov. Entsikl., Moscow, 1969-1978 (in Russian). |
65. |
Myths of the Peoples of the World (two volumes, in Russian). |
66. |
Named Lunar Formations, by Mary A. Blagg and K. Müller: Percy Lund, Humphries and Co. Ltd., London, 1935. |
67. |
The System of Lunar Craters, Quadrants I, II, III, IV: by D. W. G. Arthur and others: Communications of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, vol. 2, no. 30, 1963: vol. 3, no. 40, 1964: vol. 3, no. 50, 1965: vol. 5, no. 70, 1966. |
68. |
World Who's Who in Science, edited by Allen G. Debus: Western Publishing Company, Hannibal, Mo., 1968: New York, 1973. |
69. |
World Mythology, edited by Roy Willis: Henry Holt and Co., New York, 1993. |
70. |
Letter from V. Straizys (Lithuanian Astronomical Council, Vilnius, Lithuania) to G. Burba, October 7, 1991. |
71. |
Mars and its Satellites, A Detailed Commentary on the Nomenclature, 2nd edition, by Jürgen Blunck: Exposition Press, Smithtown, New York, 1982. |
72. |
Soviet Men of Science, by John Turkevich: Van Nostrand Company, Princeton, New Jersey, 1963. |
73. |
McGraw-Hill International Atlas: McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1963. |
74. |
The Times Atlas of the World, Comprehensive Edition: The Times of London in collaboration with John Bartholomew and Son Ltd., Edinburgh, 1971 (and other editions). |
75. |
Webster's Biographical Dictionary: G. and C. Merriam Company, Springfield, Mass., 1974 (and other editions). |
76. |
Who's Who: St. Martin's Press, New York, 1974. |
77. |
Observatories of the World, by Siegfried Marx and Werner Pfau: Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co., New York, 1982. |
78. |
The Oxford Companion to Art: Oxford University Press, London, 1970. |
79. |
Cassel's Encyclopaedia of World Literature: William Morrow and Company Inc., New York, 1973. |
80. |
Lists of names for Mercury nomenclature, provided by David Morrison. |
81. |
Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan: Kodansha Ltd., New York, 1983. |
82. |
Information supplied by V.V. Shevchenko, Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow. |
83. |
Dictionary of Mythology, Folklore, and Symbols (in 3 vols.), by Gertrude Jobes: Scarecrow Press, Inc., New York, 1962. |
84. |
Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood, by Merlin Stone: Beacon Press, Boston, Mass., 1984. |
85. |
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Illustrated: Avenel Books, a division of Crown Publishers, Inc., New York, 1975. |
86. |
The World Guide to Gnomes, Fairies, Elves and other Little People, by Thomas Keightley, Avenel Books, New York, 1978. |
87. |
Italo Calvino, by Martin McLaughlin: Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1998. |
88. |
Astronauts and Cosmonautics Biographical and Statistical Data, revised June 28, 1985, prepared by the Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress: U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1985. |
89. |
Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Charles Coulston Gillispie, editor in chief, vol. 9: Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1981. |
90. |
Encyclopedia Americana, International Edition: Grolier Inc., Danbury, Conn., 1984, 1996. |
91. |
The Rand McNally International Atlas: Rand McNally and Co., New York, 1980. |
92. |
Fairies, by Brian Froud and Alan Lee: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, 1978. |
93. |
Funk and Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology, and Legend, edited by Maria Leach: Harper and Row, Inc., New York, 1984. |
94. |
List of names supplied by T. C. Owen. |
95. |
Poem "Rape of the Lock" by Alexander Pope. |
96. |
Green Mansions, by W. H. Hudson: AMS Press Inc., New York, 1923. |
97. |
The Blue Bird (printed with The Betrothal), by Maurice Maeterlinck: Philosophical Pub. Co., Quakertown, Penn., 1987. |
98. |
Female first names supplied by Russian members of WGPSN and task groups. |
99. |
Index to Women of the World, by N.O. Ireland: F.W. Faxon Co., Westwood, Mass., 1988 (and other editions). |
100. |
List provided by Women's Study Program, Brown University, Providence, R.I. |
101. |
An Account of the Polynesian Race, by A. Fernandez: Tuttle Press, 1969. |
102. |
List provided by V.G. Suriquez, University of Hawaii at Manoa. |
103. |
Macmillan Illustrated Encyclopedia of Myths and Legends, A. Cotterell: Macmillan Publishing Co., New York, 1989. |
104. |
Great North American Indians, by F. Dockstader: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1977. |
105. |
List provided by S.V. Meschel, University of Chicago. |
106. |
List provided by The Age (newspaper), Melbourne, Australia. |
107. |
List provided by George Burba, Vernadsky Institute, Moscow. |
108. |
List provided by Mikhail Ya. Marov, Academy of Science, Moscow. |
109. |
Dictionary of First Names, by Alfred J. Kolatch: Putnam Publishing Group, New York, 1990. |
110. |
Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, by I. Asimov: Doubleday and Co., Garden City, New York, 1972. |
111. |
The Book of Goddesses and Heroines, by P. Monaghan: Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, Minn., 1990. |
112. |
Great Folk Tales of Old Ireland, by Mary McGarry: Bell Publishing, New York, 1972. |
113. |
Atlas of the Great Caves of the World, by P. Courbon, C. Chabert, P. Bosted, K. Lindsley: Cave Books, St. Louis, 1989. |
114. |
Bulletin Volcanologique, by A. Atkinson, T.J. Griffin, P.J. Stephenson, 1975. |
115. |
Exploration and Geology of Some Lava Tube Caves on the Hawaiian Volcanoes, by C. Wood: Trans. British Cave Res. Assoc., 1981. |
116. |
Kartchner Cavern: Arizona's Newest State Park, by B.R. Tufts: Arizona Highways, vol. 65, 1989. |
117. |
The Galileo Solid-State Imaging Experiment, by Michael J.S. Belton and others: Space Science Reviews, vol. 60, 1992. |
118. |
The Blue Guides, Southern Italy, by L.V. Bertarelli: Macmillan and Co., London, 1925. |
119. |
Guida D'Italia del Touring Club Italiano, by Abruzzo e Molise: Milano, 1965. |
120. |
The Cave of Postojna and Other Marvels of the Karst, by Dr. A. Serko: Zavod Potojnske jame, Yugoslavia, 1958. |
121. |
Memoirs of a Speleologist, The Adventurous Life of a Famous French Cave Explorer, by Robert deJoly: Zephyrus Press, New Jersey, 1975. |
122. |
Viaggio in Italia, by Guido Piovene and Arnoldo Mondadori: Milano, 1966. |
123. |
Pueblo Gods and Myths, by Hamilton A. Tyler: University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Oklahoma, 1964. |
124. |
Cathy Please Don't Move, by H.J. Bender: Make-A-Wish Foundation, Winchester, VA, 1989. |
125. |
Women in Chemistry and Physics: A Bibliographic Source Book, eds.: L.S. Grinstein, R.K.Rose, M.H. Rafailovich: Greenwood Press, Westport, CT, 1993. |
126. |
The Astronomy of the Australian Aborigines, by Roslynn D. Haynes: in The Astronomy Quarterly, vol. 7, Pergamon Press, 1990. |
127. |
Goddesses in World Mythology, by Martha Ann and Dorothy Myers Imel: ABC-CLIO, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA 1993. |
128. |
Celtic Myth and Legend, by Charles Squire: Newcastle Publishing Co., Hollywood, CA 1975. |
129. |
Hammond Atlas of the World: Hammond Incorporated, Maplewood, NJ, 1999. |
130. |
Women in Myth and Legend, by Patricia Monaghan: Junction Books, London, 1981. |
131. |
Zhenshchina v mifakh i legendakh (Woman in mythes and legends): Encyclopedic Dictionary, Komus Publishing, Tashkent, 1992 (in Russian). |
132. |
Letter from Jouko Raitala (University of Oulu, Finland) to G. Burba, February 26, 1991. |
133. |
List of Estonian first names by Uku Hanni (Tartu University, Estonia) provided to G. Burba, June, 1986. |
134. |
Almanac of Famous People, edited by Beverly Baer and Neil E. Walker: Gale Research Inc., Detroit, 1994. |
135. |
Macmillan Illustrated Encyclopedia of Myths and Legends, by Arthur Cotterell: Macmillan Publishing, New York, 1989. |
136. |
Norse Mythology: Legends of Gods and Heroes, by Peter Andreas Munch: The American-Scandinavian Foundation, New York, 1942. |
137. |
The Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya, by Mary Miller and Karl Taube: Thames and Hudson, New York, 1993. |
138. |
Commemoration of Prof. André Cailleux, by E. Dudich: International Union of the History and Philosophy of Sciences, International Commission of the History of the Geological Sciences (INHIGEO), 1987. |
139. |
International Who's Who 1992-93: Europa Publications Limited, London, 1992 (and other editions). |
140. |
National Atlas of the United States of America: U.S. Department of the Interior Geological Survey, Washington, D.C., 1970. |
141. |
Discovery, by Eric Flaum: Gallery Books, New York, 1990. |
142. |
From Carnac to Callanish, by A. Burl: Yale University Press, New Haven, 1993. |
143. |
The Gods of the Egyptians, by E.A. Wallis Budge: Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1969. |
144. |
Myths of the North American Indians, by C. Taylor: Barnes and Noble, New York, 1995. |
145. |
Springs of Florida, by Jack C. Rosenau, Glen L. Faulkner, Charles W. Hendry, and Robert W. Hull: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin No. 31, 1977. |
146. |
The Healing Gods of Ancient Civilizations, by Walter Addison Jayne, M.D.: University Books, Inc., New York, 1962. |
147. |
Hawaiian Mythology, by Martha Beckwith: University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 1970. |
148. |
Priklyucheniya v Okeanii [Adventures in Oceania, in Russian], by M. Stingl: Pravda Publishers, Moscow, 1986. |
149. |
A Dictionary of World Mythology, by Arthur Cotterell: Oxford University Press, Oxford/Melbourne, 1986. |
150. |
Concise Guide to World Coalfields, compiled by World Coal Resources and Reserves Data Bank Services: International Energy Agency, London, 1983. |
151. |
Coal: Availability, Mining, and Preparation, by James C. Hower, et al., in Encyclopedia of Energy Technology and the Environment, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1995. |
152. |
Dictionary of Irish Mythology, by Peter Berresford Ellis: Oxford University Press, New York, 1987. |
153. |
Slovar' slavyanskoy mifologii [Dictionary of the Slavic mythology]. - Nizhniy Novgorod, 1995 (in Russian). |
154. |
Letter from Lisa Leghorn (Rigdzin Ling, Junction City, CA, USA) to Merton and Louise Davies, May 15, 1990. |
155. |
G:otter in Planeten und Monden, by J. Blunck: Verlag Harri Deutsch, Frankfort a/M, Thun, 1987. |
156. |
The Inferno, by Dante Alighieri: Mentor Books, New York, 1954. |
157. |
Great Figures of Mythology, by Peter Clayton: Crescent Books, New York, 1990. |
158. |
Kakadu, Looking After the Country-the Gagudju Way, by S. Breeden and B. Wright: Prentice Hall, Paramus, New Jersey, 1990. |
159. |
Random House Webster's Dictionary of Scientists: Random House, New York, 1996. |
160. |
Dictionary of Celtic Mythology, by Peter Berresford Ellis: Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1992. |
161. |
Who's Who in the Moon: B.A.A. Historical Section Memoir #1, London, 1938. |
162. |
Article by F. Fischer, Prague, 1937. |
163. |
Email message from Cacique Pedro Guanikeyu Torres, Principal Tribal Chief and Elder of the Jatibonicu' Taino Tribe of Puerto Rico (NJ-USA Taino Tribal Affairs Office, Vineland, NJ) of the Jatibonicu' Taino Tribal Nation of Boriken to J. Blue, October, 1999. |
164. |
Madame Bovary, by Gustave Flaubert: Random House Publications, New York, 1957. |
165. |
Galileo's Daughter, by Dava Sobel: Chivers Press, Bath, England, 2000. |
166. |
The New Grove Dictionary of Opera, edited by Stanley Sadie: Macmillan Press, London, 1992. |
167. |
Astronomiche Nachrichten, vol. 276, page 192, 1948. |
168. |
Sky and Telescope, New Track Media LLC, Cambridge, MA. |
169. |
Palanga, Svarbiausois Zintos, by S. Markelyte: Mintis, Vilnius, pages 23-29, 1987. |
170. |
Myths and Legends of the Ancient Slavs (in Russian), by A. Asov: Nauka i Religiya Publications, Moscow, 1998. |
171. |
Divine Horsemen: Voodoo Gods of Haiti, by Maya Deren: Chelsea House Publishers, New York, 1970. |
172. |
Notable Women in the Physical Sciences: A Biographical Dictionary, edited by Benjamin F. Shearer and Barbara S. Shearer, Greenwood Press, Westport CT and London, 1997. |
173. |
The Columbia Gazetteer of the World, edited by Saul B. Cohen: Columbia University Press, New York, 1998. |
174. |
Guide to the Gods, by Marjorie Leach: ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, 1992. |
175. |
The Encyclopeadia of Islam, edited by H.A.R. Gibb et al., E.J. Brill Academic Publishers: The Netherlands,1960 (and other editions). |
176. |
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia: Translation of the Third Edition: Macmillan, Inc., New York, 1975. |
177. |
The Argonautica, by Valerius Flaccus (with an English translation by J.H. Mozley): The Loeb Classical Library, Cambridge (Mass.), 1934. |
178. |
Hyginus: Fabulae, edited by Peter K. Marshall: Stuttgart, 1993. |
179. |
Reader's Digest Wide World Atlas: Reader's Digest Association, New York, 1979. |
180. |
Atlas SSSR, 2nd edition, Moscow, GUGK, 1983 (in Russian). |
181. |
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Major Works, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1983. |
182. |
Oxford Classical Dictionary: Oxford University Press, London, 1968. |
183. |
The Discovery of the Correct Birth Date for Selenographer Thomas Gwyn Empy Elger, by Robert A. Garfinkle: Journal of the British Astronomical Association, April, 2006. |
184. |
NIH Record (National Institute of Health newsletter), March 8, 1988, page 7. |
185. |
Astrid Lindgren, by Eva-Marie Metcalf: Twayne Publishers, New York, 1995. |
186. |
Alaska Atlas and Gazetteer: DeLorme, Yarmouth, Maine, 1998. |
187. |
Asteroids III, edited by William F. Bottke, Jr., Alberto Cellino, Paolo Paolicchi, and Richard P. Binzel: University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 2002. |
188. |
Wilhelmine Wittes Präzisionsrelief des Mondes. Eine Pionierarbeit im Urteil der Wissenschaft, by Jürgen Blunck, in Beiträge zur Astronomiegeschichte, Bd.8, Frankfurt a.M. 2006, Acta Historica Astronomiae, vol.29, pp.150-180. |
189. |
Who's Who on the Moon, by Elijah E. Cocks and Josiah C. Cocks: Tudor Publishers, Greensboro, 1995. |
190. |
Laurent Cassegrain Commemorated at Chaudon, by P.D. Hingley: Astronomy and Geophysics, vol. 40, number 1, February 1999. |
191. |
Gulliver's Travels, by Jonathan Swift: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, New York, 1967. |
192. |
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, by Robert S. Richardson: volume 55, number 324, pages 136-144. |
193. |
Men of Space, by Shirley Thomas: Chilton Company, Philadelphia, 1961 |
194. |
EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union: 80, No. 25, June 22, 1999: pp 283-284. |
195. |
Astronomy and Geophysics, Volume 43, Issue 3, pp. 3.35-3.38, 06/2002. |
196. |
Who Was Who in American History-Science and Technology, Marquis Who's Who Inc., Chicago, 1975. |
197. |
American Mineralogist, vol. 55, March-April 1970, page 569. |
198. |
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 21, February, 1980 (and other editions). |
199. |
Icarus, Vol. 12, No. 3, May 1970, pp. 498-499. |
200. |
Discovery of the Real Person Behind the Name of the Lunar Crater Kinau, by Robert A. Garfinkle and Bernd Pfeiffer, Journal of the British Astronomical Association, vol. 117, April, 2007. |
201. |
Obituary for William M. Sinton, by John Spencer, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 2004, p. 1685-1686. |
202. |
Mapping Mars, by Oliver Morton: Picador USA, New York, 2002. |
203. |
Planetary and Space Science, Vol. 52, 2004, p. 1231-1232. |
204. |
Collins Malay gem dictionary, by Abdul Rahman bin Yusop, Haji: Collins, London, 1976. |
205. |
In the Celtic Past, by Ethna Carbery: Gill and Son, Ltd. Dublin, 1904. |
206. |
Collection of Shotaro Miyamoto's Scientific Papers, Kyoto School of Computer Sciences, Kyoto, Japan, 1993. |
207. |
The Journal of the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers, Charles F. Capen Memorial Issue, Volume 31, Numbers 11-12, San Francisco, 1986. |
208. |
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 84, p. 226, 1924. |
209. |
African Authors: A Companion to Black African Writing, Vol. 1: 1300-1973, by Donald E. Herdeck: Black Orpheus Press, Washington, D.C., 1973. |
210. |
Dictionary of Women Artists, edited by Delia Gaze: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, Chicago/London, 1997. |
211. |
The Dictionary of Art, Vols. 1-33, edited by Jane Turne: Macmillan Publishers, New York, 1996. |
212. |
The Work of Atget: Vol. 1, Old France, by Szarkowski and Hambourg: Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1981. |
213. |
Legendary Islands of the Atlantic: A Study in Medieval Geography, by William Henry Babcock: Ayer Publishing, 1975. |
214. |
St. James Guide to Black Artists, edited by Thomas Riggs: St. James Press, Detroit, 1997. |
215. |
The biography of Joseph K. Nāwahī, by J. Sheldon and P. Nogelmeier: Hawaiian Historical Society, Honolulu, 1988. |
216. |
Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 175: Native American Writers of the United States, edited by Kenneth M. Roemer: Gale Research Inc., Detroit, 1997. |
217. |
The Paintings of Xugu and Qi Baishi, by Jung Ying Tsao, edited by Carol Ann Bardoff: Far East Fine Arts, Inc., 1993. |
218. |
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219. |
The Geochemical News, April 2005, Issue 123, p. 8-9. |
220. |
Astronomer's Encyclopedia, Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1986. |
221. |
The History of Cartography, by Leo Bagrow: Transaction Publishers, New Jersey, 1985. |
222. |
Who's Who of British Scientists: Longman, London, 1970 |
223. |
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, Volume 46, Numbers 8-9, Springer, New York, August 2003. |
224. |
Lost Horizon, by James Hilton: HarperCollins, New York, 2004. |
225. |
Kahlil Gibran Man and Poet: A New Biography, by S. Bushrui and J. Jenkins: Oneworld Publications, 1998. |
226. |
Hungary and the Hungarians, by Bart István: Corvina Kaidó, Budapest, 2002. |
227. |
Larousse Dictionary of Writers, edited by Rosemary Goring: Larousse, New York, 1994. |
228. |
History of Modern Art, by H.H. Arnason and M.F. Prather: Harry N. Abrams, New York, 1998. |
229. |
Dune, by Frank Herbert: Chilton Book Company, Radnor, Pennsylvania, 1965. |
230. |
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231. |
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232. |
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233. |
Collier's Encyclopedia, P.F. Collier, Inc., New York, 1993. |
234. |
New York Times obituary: August 9, 1998. |
235. |
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763. |
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764. |
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765. |
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766. |
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767. |
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770. |
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772. |
Yonder Come the Blues: The Evolution of a Genre, by Paul Oliver, Tony Russell, Robert M. W. Dixon, John Godrich, Howard Rye: Cambridge University Press, 2001. |
773. |
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774. |
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785. |
Freddie Mercury: The Definitive Biography, by Lesley-Ann Jones: Hodder & Stoughton Publishers, 1997. |
786. |
The Ultimate Belize Bucket List: 101 Insider Tips on What to See and Do, by Larry Waight. FriesenPress (Victoria, BC, Canada). 2018. 366 p. ISBN-10: 1-5255-3321-5, ISBN-13: 978-1-5255-3321-1 (Paperback), ISBN-13: 978-1-5255-3320-4 (Hardcover).(P. 198, chapter “Where in Belize Is the Vaca Lake located?”). |
787. |
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796. |
The Classical Traditions and the Americas, volume I: European Images of the Americas and the Classical Tradition, part 1, ed. by Wolfgang Haase, Reinhold Meyer. -- Walter de Gruyter, Brlin; New York. 1994.P. 359 |
797. |
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807. |
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808. |
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809. |
Susan Sontag: The Making of an Icon, by Carl Rollyson and Lisa Paddock: W.W. Norton Publishing, New York, 2000. https://archive.org/details/susansontagmakin0000roll |
810. |
Le Grand Tango: The Life and Music of Astor Piazzolla, by Maria Susana Azzi and Simon Collier: Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2000. https://archive.org/details/legrandtangolifemu00azzi |
811. |
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Dorothy Masuka, South African Singer and Activist, Dies at 83, by Giovanni Russonello: New York Times Obituary, February 27, 2019: Dorothy Masuka, South African Singer and Activist, Dies at 83 - The New York Times (nytimes.com) |
814. |
Beth Carvalho, Brazil’s ‘Godmother of Samba,’ is Dead at 72, by Jon Pareles:New York Times Obituary, May 6, 2019: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/06/obituaries/beth-carvalho-dead.html |
815. |
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816. |
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817. |
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818. |
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819. |
Theory of Motion of the Planet Pluto, by Shafika G. Sharaf: USSR Academy of Sciences Press, Moscow-Leningrad, 1955. https://www.google.com/books/edition/_/zGTxAAAAMAAJ |
820. |
Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, Thomas Hockey et al., Editors: SpringerLink Publishing, New York, 2014. |
821. |
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822. |
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823. |
H. J. Melosh, Obituary, by William B. MacKinnon and Erik Asphaug: Nature Astronomy, volume 4, p. 1118-1119, 2020. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-020-01272-1#:~:text=One%20of%20the%20giants%20of%20planetary |
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The Modernist World, edited by Allana Lindgren and Stephen Ross: Taylor and Francis Publishers, 2015. |
825. |
Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women: V. 1: The Qing Period, 1644-1911, by Lily Xiao Hong Lee, Clara Lau, A.D. Stefanowska: Taylor and Francis Publishing, 2015. |
826. |
The Woman Artist in Lebanon, by Helen Khal, 1988. |
827. |
Contemporary Latin American Artists Exhibitions at the Organization of American States 1965-1985, edited by Annick Sanjurjo for the Organization of American States: University of Texas, 1993, pg. 81. |
828. |
Ruth Asawa: Life’s Work, edited by Tamara H. Schenkenberg: Pulitzer Arts Foundation in association with Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2019. |
829. |
Images of Enchantment: Visual and Performing Arts of the Middle East, edited by Sherifa Zuhur: American University in Cairo Press, 1998, pg. 167. |
830. |
The Art of Ukraine, by Alisa Lozhkina: Thames and Hudson Limited Publishing, 2024. Pg. 44. |
831. |
Ursula K. Le Guin, Acclaimed for Her Fantasy Fiction, Is Dead at 88; New York Times Obituary: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/23/obituaries/ursula-k-le-guin-acclaimed-for-her-fantasy-fiction-is-dead-at-88.html |
832. |
The Oxford Handbook of Monsters in Classical Myth, edited by Debbie Felton. Oxford University Press. 2024. (P. 506) |
833. |
Diccionario Introductorio Espanol-Maya, by Javier A. Gomez Navarrete: Universidad De Quintana Roo, Chetumal, 2009. (Page 91) |
834. |
Eskimo Stories from Povungnituk, Quebec, by Zebedee Nungak, Eugene Yuji Arima. National Museum of Canada, 1969. (P. 8) |
835. |
Fijian-English Dictionary: with notes on Fijian culture and natural history, by Ronald Gatty: Ronald Gatty (self-published), Suva, Fiji, 2009. ISBN 978-982-98047-1-6. PDF available online at Cornell University Library eCommons: https://ecommons.cornell.edu/items/954bb366-f57b-4167-a131-6c76a80d0a1f |
836. |
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837. |
Cambridge Online Italian English Dictionary: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/italian-english/bella#google_vignette |
838. |
Kichwa-English-Spanish Dictionary, by Nina Kinti-Moss and Nematni Baltazar Masaquizo Chasnga. 2nd Edition. University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, 2018, pg. 143. https://kuscholarworks.ku.edu/bitstream/handle/1808/25707/Kichwa%20Dictionary%202nd%20edition.pdf |
839. |
Tuttle Compact Indonesian Dictionary, by Katherine Davidsen: Tuttle Publishing, 2015. ISBN 978-0-8048-4517-5 |
840. |
Polish-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary, edited by Angela Wilkes: DK Publishing, 2018. |
841. |
Dictionary of Yoruba Language, by the Church Missionary Society: Lagos, 1913, pg. 13. https://archive.org/details/DictionaryOfTheYorubaLanguage/page/n25/mode/2up |
842. |
Cherokee-English Dictionary, by Durbin Feeling: Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma Publishing, Talequah, 1975. |
843. |
Gibson Awarded NASA Public Service Medal, Goddard Spaceflight Center Report: https://image.gsfc.nasa.gov/report/other/gibson_award.html In Remembrance, Bill Gibson: The Roadrunner, Newsletter of the Southwest Research Institute, November 2017. |
844. |
Henry L. Giclas (1910–2007), obituary by Joseph S. Tenn: in Bulletin of the AAS, Volume 44, issue 1: https://baas.aas.org/pub/henry-l-giclas-1910-2007/release/1 |
845. |
Theogony and Magic amongst the Aborigines of Brazil, by Dario Vellozo. -- The Journal of the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Vol. VI. 1901, 1902, 1903. |
846. |
Handbook of Japanese Mythology, by Michael Ashkenazi: Bloomsbury Academic, 2003. |
847. |
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848. |
In Memoriam Sandra Pizzarello, 1933–2021, LPI Bulletin Issue 168 April 2022: https://www.lpi.usra.edu/publications/newsletters/lpib/new/sandra-pizzarello-1933-2021/ |
849. |
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850. |
The Planetary Society In Memoriam, Jens Martin Knudsen, PhD: https://www.planetary.org/articles/mer-in-memoriam |
851. |
Remembering Mike Drake, by John Jones, Kevin Righter, Nancy Chabot, and Stein Jacobsen: Meteoritics and Planetary Science, vol. 50, issue 4, 523-529, April 2015. |
852. |
Lunar and Planetary Institute In Memoriam: James J. Papike, 1937–2020, January 2021, issue 163: James J. Papike, 1937–2020 – LPIB |
853. |
American Women of Science Since 1900, by Tiffany K. Wayne: Bloomsbury Academic p. 925, 2011. |
854. |
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855. |
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856. |
Mother Persia: Women in Iran’s History: by Zhinia Noorian and Brian Griffith: Springer Nature Switzerland Publishing, 2024. |
857. |
We'wha and Klah the American Indian Berdache as Artist and Priest, by Will Roscoe: American Indian Quarterly, Vol. 12, No. 2 (Spring, 1988), pp. 127-150 https://www.jstor.org/stable/1184319 |
858. |
Art History in a Global Context: Methods, Themes, and Approaches, edited by Ann Albritton and Gwen Farrelly: Wiley Publishing, 2020 (pg 38). |
859. |
The Music of Black Americans: A History (Third Edition), by Eileen Southern: W. W. Norton Publishing, 1997. |
860. |
The Heart of a Woman: The Life and Music of Florence B. Price, by Rae Linda Brown: University of Illinois Press, 2020. |
861. |
Spanish American Women Writers: A Bio-bibliographical Source Book, by Diane Marting: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1990. |