In cases where a person was born in one country and conducted the work that made them famous in another, the continent and ethnic/cultural group or country where the person became famous is recorded in the gazetteer. The country of birth is recorded in the origin field of the gazetteer. (Effective April 2014)
Africa (AF)
Ethnic/Cultural Group or Country |
Abbreviation |
Afrikaans | AI |
Algeria | AL |
Angola | AN |
Bantu | BA |
Benin | BE |
Botswana | BT |
Burkina Faso (Upper Volta) | BF |
Burundi | BR |
Bushman | BU |
Bushongo | BH |
Cameroon | CR |
Canary Is. | CI |
Cape Verde | CV |
Central African Republic | CA |
Dahomean | DH |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | DC |
Egypt | EG |
Eritrea | ER |
Ethiopia | ET |
Fula/Toucouleur | FT |
Gabon | GB |
Gambia | GA |
Ghana | GH |
Gold Coast | GC |
Guinea | GU |
Hottentot | HO |
Ivory Coast | IC |
Kenya | KY |
Lesotho | LE |
Liberia | LI |
Libya | LB |
Madagascar | MD |
Malawi | MW |
Mali | ML |
Mande | MN |
Mauritania | MU |
Mauritius | MA |
Mbundu | MB |
Mende | ME |
Morocco | MR |
Mozambique | MZ |
Namibia | NM |
Niger | NG |
Nigeria | NI |
Pygmy | PY |
Republic of Chad | CH |
Republic of Djibouti | RD |
Republic of Equatorial Guinea | RE |
Republic of Guinea-Bissau | RG |
Republic of Sao Tome and Principe | RS |
Republic of Seychelles | SY |
Republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville) | RC |
Reunion Island | RI |
Rwanda | RW |
Saint Helena Island | SX |
Semitic | SE |
Senegal | SN |
Sierra Leone | SL |
Somalia | SO |
South Africa | SA |
South Sudan | SS |
Sudan | SU |
Swahili | SH |
Swaziland | SW |
Tanzania | TA |
Togo | TO |
Tunisia | TN |
Uganda | UG |
Union of the Comoros | UC |
Unknown | -- |
Yao | YA |
Yorubaland | YO |
Zaire | ZA |
Zambia | ZM |
Zimbabwe | ZI |
Zulu | ZU |
Antarctica (AN)
Ethnic/Cultural Group or Country |
Abbreviation |
America (Antarctica) | AM |
France (Antarctica) | FR |
New Zealand (Antarctica) | NZ |
Unknown | -- |
Asia (AS)
Ethnic/Cultural Group or Country |
Abbreviation |
Abkhazian | AH |
Afghanistan | AF |
Ainu | AI |
Akkadian (Accadian) | AK |
Altai | AL |
Arabian | AR |
Armenian | AM |
Assyrian | AY |
Assyro-Babylonian | AB |
Azerbaijan | AZ |
Babylon | BY |
Bahrain | BI |
Bangladesh | BA |
Bengal | BE |
Bhutan | BH |
Borneo | BO |
Brunei | BN |
Buriat | BR |
Burma | BU |
Cambodia | CM |
China | CH |
Chukchi | CU |
Democratic People's Republic of Korea | DK |
Elamite | EL |
Evenki | EV |
Georgia | GE |
Hattic | HA |
Hebrew | HE |
Hindu | HI |
Hittite | HT |
India | IN |
Indonesia | ID |
Iran | IR |
Iraq | IQ |
Israel | IS |
Itelmen | IT |
Japan | JA |
Jewish | JW |
Jordan | JO |
Kashmir | KA |
Kazakhstan | KZ |
Ket | KT |
Korea | KR |
Kuwait | KU |
Kyrgyzstan | KY |
Laos | LA |
Lebanon | LE |
Malaysia | MA |
Mansi | MS |
Mesopotamian | ME |
Minyong | MY |
Mongolia | MO |
Monguor | MG |
Myanmar | MM |
Nanai | NA |
Neghidhian | NG |
Nepal | NE |
Nganasan | NS |
Oman | OM |
Ostyak | OS |
Ottoman | OT |
Pakistan | PK |
Palestine | PA |
Persian | PE |
Philippines | PH |
Phoenician | PO |
Qatar | QA |
Republic of Korea | RK |
Republic of the Maldives | ML |
Sanskrit | SA |
Saudi Arabia | SB |
Scythian | SC |
Semitic | SE |
Siberia | SI |
Sri Lanka | SR |
Sumerian | SU |
Syria | SY |
Taiwan | TW |
Tajik | TJ |
Tajikistan | TS |
Tamil | TM |
Thailand | TH |
Tibet | TB |
Timor-Leste | TL |
Tungu | TN |
Turkey | TU |
Turkmenistan | TK |
Tuva | TV |
Ulci | UL |
United Arab Emirates | UA |
Unknown | -- |
Urartu | UR |
Uzbekistan | UZ |
Vietnam | VT |
Yakutian | YK |
Yemen | YE |
Europe (EU)
Ethnic/Cultural Group or Country |
Abbreviation |
Albania | AL |
Andorra | AN |
Austria | AS |
Bashkir | BS |
Basque | BA |
Belarus | BL |
Belgium | BE |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BH |
Bulgaria | BU |
Byzantine | BZ |
Catalan | CA |
Caucasus | CC |
Celtic | CE |
Chuvash | CH |
Croatia | CR |
Cyprus | CY |
Czechoslovakia | CZ |
Czech Republic | CP |
Denmark | DE |
England | EN |
Estonia | ES |
European (Multiple ET) | EU-M |
Finland | FI |
Flemish | FL |
France | FR |
Gaelic | GA |
Gaul | GU |
Germany | GE |
Great Britain | GB |
Greek | GR |
Gypsy | GY |
Hungary | HU |
Iceland | IC |
Ireland | IR |
Italy | IT |
Kalmyk | KL |
Karelia | KA |
Komi | KO |
Kosovo | KS |
Lapp | LP |
Latin | LA |
Latvia | LV |
Liechtenstein | LE |
Lithuania | LI |
Luxembourg | LU |
Macedonian | MA |
Malta | ML |
Mari | MR |
Moldova | MD |
Montenegro | MN |
Mordvinian | MO |
Norse | NS |
Norway | NO |
Oscan | OS |
Ostrogoth | OG |
Poland | PO |
Portugal | PG |
Roman | RM |
Romania (Rumania) | RO |
Russia | RU |
San Marino | SM |
Scandinavian | SD |
Scotland | SC |
Scythia | SY |
Serbia | SE |
Slavic | SL |
Slovakia | SV |
Slovenia | SI |
Soviet | SO |
Spain | SP |
Sweden | SW |
Switzerland | SZ |
Tartar | TT |
Teutonic | TU |
The Netherlands (Dutch) | DU |
Udmurtian | UD |
Ukraine | UK |
Unknown | -- |
Wales | WA |
Yugoslavia | YU |
North America (NA)
Ethnic/Cultural Group or Country |
Abbreviation |
Acoma | AC |
Aleutian | AU |
Algonquin | AL |
American | AM |
Antigua and Barbuda | AN |
Antilles | AT |
Arikara | AR |
Aruba | AB |
Aztec | AZ |
Barbados | BB |
Bella Coola | BC |
Blackfoot | BL |
Bonaire | BO |
Canada | CA |
Canada/Greenland | CG |
Cherokee | CE |
Cheyenne | CY |
Chickasaw | CH |
Chinook | CI |
Choktaw | CO |
Chumash | CU |
Commonwealth of the Bahamas | BA |
Creek | CR |
Cuba | CB |
Dakota | DA |
Dominica | DO |
Dominican Republic | DR |
Eskimo | ES |
Eskimo (Greenland) | EK |
Greenland | GL |
Grenada | GR |
Haiti | HA |
Hopi | HO |
Inuit | IN |
Iroquois | IR |
Jamaica | JM |
Klamath | KL |
Kwakiutl | KW |
Lakota | LA |
Mandan | MA |
Mexico | ME |
Navajo | NV |
Ohlone | OH |
Ojibwe | OJ |
Osage | OS |
Pawnee | PW |
Pequot | PE |
Popoluca | PP |
Potawatomi | PO |
Pueblo | PU |
Puerto Rico | PR |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | SK |
Saint Lucia | SL |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | SV |
Salish | SA |
Seneca | SE |
Shoshoni | SH |
Sioux | SX |
Tlingit | TL |
United States | US |
Unknown | -- |
Virgin Islands | VI |
Yurok | YU |
Zuni | ZU |
Oceania (OC)
Ethnic/Cultural Group or Country |
Abbreviation |
Australia | AU |
Caroline Is. | CI |
Cook Islands | CO |
Fiji | FJ |
French Polynesia | FP |
Guam | GM |
Hawaii | HA |
Kiribati | KI |
Marquesas Islands | MA |
Marshall Is. | MI |
Melanesia | ME |
Micronesia | MC |
Nauru | NA |
New Britain | NB |
New Caledonia | NC |
New Guinea | GU |
New Zealand | NZ |
Niue | NI |
Papua New Guinea | PN |
Polynesia | PO |
Republic of Palau | PA |
Samoa | SA |
Society Is. | SI |
Solomon Islands | SO |
Tonga | TO |
Tuamotu | TU |
Tuvalu | TV |
Unknown | -- |
Vanuatu | VA |
Yolngu | YO |
South and Central America (SA)
Ethnic/Cultural Group or Country |
Abbreviation |
Araucanian | AC |
Argentina | AR |
Belize | BE |
Bolivia | BO |
Bororo | RR |
Brazil | BR |
Chile | CH |
Chimalateco | CI |
Colombia | CO |
Costa Rica | CR |
Ecuador | EC |
El Salvador | ES |
Falkland Islands | FI |
French Guiana | FG |
Guatemala | GU |
Guyana | GY |
Honduras | HO |
Inca | IN |
Mapuche | MA |
Mayan | MY |
Nahuatl | NA |
Nicaragua | NI |
Panama | PM |
Paraguay | PA |
Peru | PE |
Suriname | SU |
Trinidad and Tobago | TT |
Tupi | TP |
Unknown | -- |
Uruguay | UR |
Venezuela | VE |